2024 International Conference on Global Cultural and Creative Industries
-- New Quality Productive Forces, New Drivers of the Economy, New Ecology of the Cultural and Creative Industries


Since 2018, the International Conference on Global Cultural and Creative Industries, hosted by the USC-SJTU Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry (ICCI), has successfully held six sessions. In early December 2024, USC-SJTU Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry (ICCI) will host the 7th International Conference on Global Cultural and Creative Industries

The theme for this year’s conference is "New Quality Productive Forces, New Drivers of the Economy, New Ecology of the Cultural and Creative Industries." Against the backdrop of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, new quality productivity, with its characteristics of technological innovation, knowledge intensity, and cross-disciplinary integration, is vigorously promoting the upgrading and innovation of cultural and creative industries as never before, reshaping the intrinsic driving force of global economic development, and constructing a sustainable development ecosystem for cultural and creative innovation. We will delve into how new quality productivity, through empowering content innovation, format innovation, and model innovation, stimulates the intrinsic dynamics of cultural creativity in disciplines development, talent cultivation, scientific research, industrial upgrading, innovation-driven, and sustainable development, fostering new formats and models, and building a more open, interconnected, and intelligent new ecology for the development of cultural and creative industries. This international conference aims to gather global wisdom, jointly explore new paths for the deep integration of new quality productivity and cultural and creative industries, and promote the global cultural and creative industries and cultural and creative economy to enter a new era of innovation-driven and high-quality development.

To adapt to the development trend of the times, grasp the frontiers of culture and creativity, and respond to the common expectations of the society, the seventh International Conference on Global Cultural and Creative Industries builds a platform for full dialogue and communication based on interdisciplinary, inviting scholars and industry experts from various disciplines at home and abroad, including cultural industry studies, management, economics, communication, design, art, ethnology, computer science, sociology, psychology, intangible cultural heritage studies, etc., to actively participate, forming academic collisions of new ideas, new perspectives, and new technologies from an interdisciplinary perspective, exploring new issues, challenges, and opportunities in the development of cultural and creative industries, and jointly creating a new ecology for the development of global cultural and creative industries.

The 2024 International Conference on Global Cultural and Creative Industries

Early December 2024, China

Hosted by USC-SJTU Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry (ICCI)

Call for papers

The 2024 International Conference on Global Cultural and Creative Industries would like to call for academic papers exploring the following topics:

Digital Innovation of Intangible Cultural Heritage and New Quality Productive Forces

This panel explores the innovation, inheritance and development of intangible cultural heritage in the digital era, focuses on the deep integration of intangible cultural heritage, digital intelligence technology and emerging productive forces, excavates the connotation of intangible cultural heritage, and realizes the creative transformation and innovative development of intangible cultural heritage with the help of digital technology. Socialization of digital intangible cultural heritage and other related issues.

Email for submission:zhangxin1990@sjtu.edu.cn

Language for this panel: English/ Chinese

AI Technology and Multimedia Industry

The developing of AI technology has given birth to a series of innovative applications such as ChatGPT, Midjourney, Sora, etc. They will have a significant impact on the film and television, gaming, advertising, and multimedia industries. With AI technology, the productivity of some industries will be liberated, while others will be replaced and overturned. How to use AI technology to create more epoch-making products in the multimedia industry with lower costs and more convenient workflows will be a topic worth exploring in the future.

Email for submission:ml3702@sjtu.edu.cn

Language for this panel: English/ Chinese

The New Paradigm and Technological Challenges of Human-Machine Collaborative Content Creation

In the current era of digital transformation, the research field that combines human-computer interaction with content production is experiencing unprecedented innovation and development. This subforum aims to explore how cutting-edge human-computer interaction technologies and artificial intelligence algorithms can be leveraged to construct a novel, efficient, and intelligent model for content production in the cultural and creative industries. We invite papers that address the following key issues within the context of the cultural and creative industries: How can new human-machine collaboration methods be integrated into the content creation process in the cultural and creative industries? How can technology enable real-time interaction between creators and intelligent systems to jointly generate high-quality content products? How do frontier technologies adapt and optimize the content generation process in the cultural and creative industries based on user behavior, preferences, and contextual information? What are the ethical, legal, and societal implications of human-machine collaborative content production in the cultural and creative industries?

Email for submission:ruqinren@sjtu.edu.cn

Language for this panel: English/ Chinese

New Cultural Spaces and Contemporary Rural Living

Life unfolds both elsewhere and here. Amidst the scarcity of significance, the yearning for "elsewhere" necessitates its embodiment within the "here and now." Through innovative cultural spaces, we endeavor to shape a fresh identity and ethos for rural existence. This proactive engagement in cultural cultivation and rural habitation epitomizes our current cultural praxis. This forum serves as a platform for interdisciplinary dialogue, spanning fields such as anthropology, communication, art, architecture, and tourism studies. It aims to delve into various dimensions of rural cultural space construction, including artistic rural development, the transmission of intangible cultural heritage, everyday life practices, and media engagement. By fostering participatory scholarship, our goal is to bridge the theoretical-practical chasm.

Email for submission:xl12brielle@sjtu.edu.cn

Language for this panel: English/ Chinese

Digital Music and Technology

The Digital Music and Technology panel focuses on research and discussions related to digital music and its associated technologies globally, exploring the impact of the digital age on music creation, performance, dissemination, and consumption. We cordially invite academia, industry professionals, and artists to engage in discussions on the following topics:

  • Digital music composition and production techniques;
  • Applications of virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality in the field of music;
  • Utilization of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analysis in music composition and performance;
  • Interactive music experiences and new media arts;
  • Digital music copyright, digital music industry, and business model innovation;
  • Digital music education.

Email for submission:zhixin.xu@sjtu.edu.cn

Language for this panel: English/ Chinese

Digital Aesthetics and Cultural Creative Design

This panel primarily focuses on studying the adoption, impact, and interaction of design and digital technology in the cultural and creative industry. The scope of research within the division encompasses, but is not limited to, cultural and creative product development, artificial intelligence and data-driven design, design creativity, design methods and tools, design education, and the best design practices in the industry.

Email for submission:huamin@sjtu.edu.cn

Language for this panel: English/ Chinese

Human-Machine Interaction and Creative Experience

Human-machine interaction (HMI) and creative experience are pivotal topics in cultural innovation in the digital era. The advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content) technology has continually reshaped the modes of interaction between individuals and smart devices, ushering in novel possibilities for creative experiences. HMI technology furnishes convenient and efficient creative tools, enabling individuals to engage more directly and profoundly in creative pursuits, thereby enriching the creative experience. Through intelligent immersive devices, individuals interact with creative works, delving deep into the cultural nuances and emotional expressions of creators. The amalgamation of HMI and creative experience serves to diversify cultural expression forms, augment user engagement and satisfaction, enhance the value of cultural creativity, and propel innovation and development in the cultural industry.

Email for submission:xyphoebe@sjtu.edu.cn / zyc420@sjtu.edu.cn

Language for this panel: English/ Chinese

Curating Equality and Digital Media

In the contemporary art landscape, the role of the curator has become increasingly critical in shaping a more equitable and inclusive global art scene. With the rapid advancement of digital technology, curators are faced with new challenges and opportunities in amplifying marginalized voices, dismantling entrenched power dynamics, and addressing systemic inequalities and biases. This panel aims to explore how curators can harness digital tools and platforms to promote diversity and equity, and to negotiate the intricacies of the digital era in constructing a more inclusive artistic panorama. We invite you to join us in exploring the transformative power of curation, breaking down barriers, and fostering a fairer and accessible art ecosystem for all.

Email for submission:elenayan@sjtu.edu.cn

Language for this panel: English/ Chinese

Business and Management of Digital Entertainment

This panel explores the intricate interplay between theory and practice in the business and management of digital entertainment. Our focus spans a diverse array of platforms and media, including but not limited to video and music streaming services, social media platforms, podcasts, video/computer gaming, e-sports, virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) experiences, digital cultural preservation, virtual museums, smart speaker applications, mobile entertainment solutions, and interactive entertainment technologies. Some possible topic areas include but are not limited to the following: 1) enhancing customer experiences through personalization, 2) innovative marketing strategies, 3) evolving revenue model and pricing of digital entertainment products , 4) digital transformation of traditional sectors, and 5) emerging business models spurred by technological advancements. The panel aims to foster a rich dialogue among academics, industry professionals, and practitioners, shedding light on the evolving landscape of digital entertainment and its implications for business strategy, customer engagement, and innovation.

Email for submission:shryu@sjtu.edu.cn

Language for this panel: English ONLY

10.The Cultural and Creative Industry: Integrating Humanities and Economy

In line with the new humanistic economy, this panel will focus on how to use nation’s culture and creative industries to promote economic development. There is now a true integration of humanities and economy in the case of China’s cultural and creative industries. The 14th Five-Year Plan for Cultural Development (2022) states that “it is necessary to further develop and expand the cultural industry, and give full play to the role of culture in activating development momentum, and promoting the optimization and upgrading of economic structure” and, particularly, to promote the “integration of culture, science, and technology”. The Development Plan of Beijing Cultural Industries (2022) also promotes “culture and commerce integration” and “the in-depth integration of multiple business formats such as culture, leisure, fashion and entertainment”. The integration of humanities and economy has provided a sustainable development route for the cultural and creative industries. This results in a distinctive nature of the current generation of culture professionals and the current digital and commercial trends in the culture and creative industries today. This panel will share findings on case studies from China and internationally on how the culture and creative sector can benefit from integrating with industry and will look to the future sustainability of the industry.

Email for submission:emmaduester@sjtu.edu.cn

Language for this panel: English ONLY

The New Augmented Reality for Cultural Industries

Augmented Reality is an unusual media technology. It has sparked popular interest for more than two decades and has been used within multiple cultural industries from museums, to children's toys, to popular games. Yet it still is considered an 'emerging' media technology. Over the past several years there have been significant technical advances: robust webXR over 5G, large-scale 3D environment mapping, new headsets and display technologies. This panel invites papers and presentations by those that believe we are on the verge of an important revolution in AR experiences. We invite presentations on important culture sector projects, critical analysis of the industry and its history, and discussions of critical theory relevant to the medium.

NOTE:All presentation formats-- papers, case studies, demonstrations-- will be considered. If your presentation requires any particular technical support, please specify in your proposals.

Email for submission:garhodes@sjtu.edu.cn

Language for this panel: English ONLY

Traditional Chinese Art and its Cross-cultural Communication

Traditional Chinese art is an organic part of both traditional culture and of national life. The effective communication of Chinese traditional arts is an important proposition to carry forward the spirit of Chinese culture in the new era. This forum aims to invite scholars in the fields of art practice, art history, art theory, art criticism, art communication, etc. to exchange ideas and explore ways to: integrate traditional Chinese art into the social life system of contemporary China;align the system of dissemination of traditional art with the system of contemporary society;straighten out the relationship between traditional art and the various fields of contemporary society;keep traditional art steadily moving forward on the track of contemporary society.

Email for submission:taoxiaojun@sjtu.edu.cn

Language for this panel: English/ Chinese

Papers Requirements:

  1. Abstracts in both Chinese and English should be no less than 500 words.
  2. The full text should be approximately 8000-12000 words, with a self-selected title including Chinese and English abstracts, keywords, and references.
  3. Paper formatting: Chinese theses should follow the GB/T 7713.2-2022 format, while English theses should adhere to APA format.
  4. Submit the paper in Word electronic document format, with A4 paper layout, keeping the original draft, and providing both Word and PDF electronic documents.
  5. Each author is limited to a maximum of two submissions as the first author.
  6. Include author's name, affiliation, position, phone number, email, and research field at the end of the paper.
  7. Ensure the paper is original, not previously published or presented at domestic or international conferences; free of plagiarism and confidentiality issues, with sole responsibility for the content.
  8. Store original images used in the paper separately in a folder, preferably in JPG or PNG format, and submit them with the final version of the paper.

Call for Artworks:

The 2024 Global Cultural and Creative Industries Cooperation and Development International Conference invites outstanding creative artworks discussing the following topics:

1.ICC Electronic Theater

This dynamic panel designed to showcase the convergence of technology and creativity across various domains within film and digital media. This multidisciplinary platform will feature:

  • Advertising: Narrative-driven commissioned shorts that enhance brand storytelling.
  • Feature/TV Visual Effects: Insightful snippets and breakdowns from cutting-edge live-action and animated features, along with television series.
  • Short Films: Original, concise narratives pushing the boundaries of storytelling within a 10-minute frame. • Cinematics and Real-Time Graphics: Captivating selections from games and real-time rendered projects that narrate compelling stories.
  • Visualization: Both data-driven and conceptual animations that translate complex scientific research into visually engaging formats.
  • Simulation: Demonstrations of sophisticated models simulating real-world phenomena through digital imagery. This program aims to illuminate the creative potential within digital frontiers, fostering a dialogue between technology and artistry in the global cultural and creative landscape.


A maximum length of 10 minutes may be submitted; however, the Electronic Theater reserves the right to show only excerpts of selected works at the jury’s discretion.
File Size:
10 GB maximum file size.
The sum total of end titles and credits should be no longer than 7 seconds.
Video Codecs:
* Apple ProRes 422
* H. 264
Video Wrappers:
* QuickTime
* MP4
Please note that DCP format WILL NOT be accepted.
Video Resolutions:
* 1080p (1920 x 1080p) preferred
* Following Jury acceptance during Stage 2, you will be asked if you prefer to re-submit at 4K (3840 × 2160) resolution
Frame Rate:
* 23.97, 24, 29.97, 30, 59.94, or 60 fps
Audio Configurations:
* Number of audio tracks accepted is [0,1,2,4,5,6,8,10,12]
* Levels should be normalized for -23 LUFS (+/- 0.5)
Color Space:
* Rec 709

NOTE: All films must be submitted with ENGLISH subtitles.

Email for submission: drho@sjtu.edu.cn

2.Thematic Creative Design Exhibition:Art and Technology

This design exhibition is themed on "Art and Technology", and we are collecting art works in the form of posters and videos. We welcome various creative methods without restricting your form of expression.

In this exhibition, we look forward to seeing your unique insights into the integration of art and technology. You can convey your creativity through posters, or use videos to tell the story of art and technology. The content of the work should focus on the theme of "Art and Technology", exploring the relationship, interaction, and innovation between the two.

This is a platform to showcase your talent and creativity, as well as an opportunity to communicate with other artists and designers. Come and participate in our art work collection, and share your love and exploration of art and technology together!


A0 vertical, 300 dpi, JPG format, CMYK. A maximum of 3 images can be submitted, and the size of each image should not exceed 20MB.
Video + poster:
  • 1920x1080 video, MP4 format, with a duration of no more than 3 minutes and a file size no more than 500MB. The requirements for the poster that matches the video content are the same as above.
  • Text introduction for the art work including the title should not exceed 150 words.

Email for submission: maggieli@sjtu.edu.cn

Language for this panel: English/ Chinese

Paper/artwork submission method:

  1. Scholars registering for the conference should submit the completed bilingual (Chinese and English) abstract/artwork information form (see end of this notice) along with the artwork files (if any) as an email attachment to the corresponding submission mailbox by August 20, 2024.
  2. Submit the submissions to the appropriate thematic panel mailbox based on the selected topic. Please NOTE Each thesis/artwork should be submitted to ONLY ONE panel mailbox.
  3. Use the email subject line format "2024International Conference Submission + Panel Name + Author's Name + Affiliation."

Submission deadline:

August 20, 2024
Abstract/artwork submission deadline
September 30, 2024
Abstract / Notification of results of artwork review
November 5, 2024
Deadline for full paper submission

The organizers will inform the results of the abstract/artwork evaluation by email on September 30, 2024; Scholars whose Abstracts are accepted are requested to submit their full paper on or before November 5, 2024, and failure to submit their full papers within the stipulated time will be regarded as a waiver of their eligibility to participate in the conference.


  1. Outstanding Paper/Artwork Awards will be given certificates, and recipients will receive travel and accommodation support for attending the International Conference on Global Cultural and Creative Industries next year.
  2. Each panel will award one "Best Presentation Award" and present certificates.

For any further inquiries about the specific panel, please contact the relevant submission email address.

For any further questions about the conference, please contact icci-conf@sjtu.edu.cn

The conference will be conducted offline, and specific date and venue will be notified later. The organizers will make arrangements based on the specific situation before the conference opens and inform participants promptly. 

Organizing Committee of
the 2024 International Conference on Global Cultural and Creative Industries

Annex: Abstracts of papers/information sheets on artworks